Black Duck Regatta


Newport - Rhode Island


ORGANIZING AUTHORITY: Black Duck Race Organization     Revised 6/24/04


The sailing instructions for this series are included in this document except as modified by specific class rules (“S” boats, 12 Meter, etc..) and will be conducted in accordance with the RRS 2001-2004, including the US Sailing prescriptions.  Boats shall conform to the Black Duck Classic Yacht Entry Specifications.


Racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2001 – 2004, and the prescriptions of US Sailing, except as any of these are changed by the Notice of Race, these sailing instructions and any amendments thereto.


Races will be conducted for Classic Yachts -- defined as those vessels traditionally constructed, single hull wooden auxiliary sailing yachts, designed and built before 1965, with a minimum hull length of 28 feet.  A penalty will be assessed for boats without an operable auxiliary engine.  Boats not eligible may be included on a case-by-case basis.


Corrected times for this regatta will be completed using the (CRF) classic yacht ratings formula, which may include modifications made under the discretion of the race committee.


Any changes to the sailing instructions shall be published before 10:00am on the day it will take effect. Should changes occur, copies will be available from the committee boat and an attempt to broadcast changes (VHF 72) will be made prior to the start.

SAIL / EQUIPMENT LIMITATIONS -- General Fleet  (S.O.T. Boats may disregard):

NO SPINNAKERS.  All headsails must be of a type that is hanked on.  Staysails are permitted for split rig yachts.  Sails are to be of canvas, nylon or Dacron only.  Sails of a composite or laminate nature (Mylar, Kevlar, 3DL, etc..) are not permitted.

Only poles equal to or less than the length of the “J” measurement are permitted -- those longer than the “J” are not.  All spars / poles to be made of wood or aluminum -- carbon fiber spars or standing rigging are not permitted.


Race committee will monitor channel 72 vhf


13:00 Hours - 10 min. Warning Gun / Course Signals

S-Boats -- Anticipated 13:00 Course signals and start of sequence for race 1 of 2.


Anticipated -- 13:05 Hours - A / Small Boat -- 5 min / Warning Gun - White shape or flag

Anticipated -- 13:06 Hours - A / Small Boat -- 4 min / Prep Gun -- Blue shape or flag

Anticipated -- 13:09 Hours - A / Small Boat -- 1 min horn / flag drop

Anticipated -- 13:10 Hours - A / Small Boat Start -- Red shape or flag 

                                                (Also serves as 10 Min. Gun for Class B)

Anticipated -- 13:15 Hours - B / Big Boat -- 5 min / Warning Gun - White shape or flag

Anticipated -- 13:16 Hours - B / Big Boat -- 4 min / Prep Gun -- Blue shape or flag

Anticipated -- 13:19 Hours - B / Big Boat -- 1 min horn / flag drop

Anticipated -- 13:20 Hours - B / Big Boat Start -- Red shape or flag


Starts shall be 5 minute warning / 4 minute prep / 1 min. horn / START.

There will be a 5-minute break between the start of Class A and the Warning for class B

Should there be more than one class, subsequent starts will follow the same sequence

Fleets with a general recall will start at the end of the sequence - following the last class.


Due East of Jamestown town dock.  The starting line will be between the committee boat and the nearby inflatable race mark.  Committee boat to be left to stbd / mark to port.


A blast from a horn for each yacht recalled.  Failure to return will be ¼ hour added to elapsed time.  The race committee will attempt to notify early starters on VHF channel 72.  Failure to do so will not count as grounds for seeking redress. 


The finish line will be between the committee boat and the inflatable race mark or the nearby race mark should the committee decide to shorten course.  The race committee will attempt to announce shortened courses on channel 72.   Failure to do so will not count as grounds for seeking redress.  The committee boat at the finish may not be the same boat as the one at the start. 


Any yacht that withdraws from the race must notify the race committee as soon as possible.  Cancellation / abandonment will be signaled by hoisting code flag “O” and firing (3) three guns.


Two (2) guns plus answering pennant:  Starting sequence indicated by answering pennant being lowered and firing one gun.  60 seconds later, 10 minute warning gun will be fired and sequence resumes.


The time limit for each yacht will be 18:00 hours.  This alters RRS 35.  Yachts finishing after that time will be scored DNF.


Protests must be reported, in writing, to the race committee within one hour after the committee’s arrival on shore.  Protests will be heard dockside by an arbitration committee selected by the race committee to include members from those yachts not involved in the incident as soon as practical after the race. Failure of competitors to provide representation at the hearing or to contact the committee will not delay this hearing.  Decision of the committee is final and there will be no appeals process.


Course signals will be displayed from the committee boat as letters indicating the marks to be round.  Unless otherwise indicated, all marks round to port. 

NOTE:  “A” Fleet and “B” Fleet may NOT have the same course -

Check Fleet designations for your course.

RACE MARKS (utilizing the 1998 South Bay Race Chart):

J = Red 4 - S.West of Brenton Reef

K = Red 2 Whistle - S. of Brenton Reef

N = Red / Green NR Bell - S. of Beavertail / Jamestown

O = Green Gong 7, Kettle Bottom Rock

P = Red Bell 6 - Butter Ball Rock - S.W. Castle Hill

Q = Green Gong 9, Ft. Wetherill

R = Green 11 - E. of Dumplings / Jamestown

S = Red 12 Bell - S.W. of Rose Island

T = Red Nun, 12A, N.W. of Rose Island

V = Green Gong 17 - S.E. of Gould Island

X = Red Bell 14 - W. of Coasters Harbor - Navy Base

Y = Green Can 1, S.W. Goat Island

Z = Special Race Mark -- NW of Dumplings

1 = Special Race Mark -- W. of Goat Island

2 = Red Nun 4, E. Fort Adams

3 = Special Race Mark -- S.E. Connanicut YC

4 = Special Race Mark -- N. W. of Hammersmith Farm

6 = Green Gong 3  S.E. of Rose Island

8 = Special Race Mark -- North of Goat Island

9 = Green Can 5 N.E. of Rose Island

10= Red Nun 2, S.W. Coasters Harbor

11= Green Can SW Coasters Harbor

12= Green Can 7 S.W. Coasters Harbor

13= Green Can 13, N.W. of Newport Bridge Center

15= Special Race Mark, NE Potters Cover

18= Green Can, Fiske Rock, S. of Prudence Island


20 = RG Nun - S. of Prudence Island

21 = Green Can 1 - N.E. end of Jamestown

22 = Green 7 - N.W. of Jamestown

23 = Red Nun 22 - S.E. of Prudence Island

24 = Red Bell 2 - N.E. end of Jamestown


The following shall be observed (unless that mark / aid is used as a turning mark on that leg of the course):

- Green Buoys “11” & “9” East of the Dumplings

- Red Buoys “R12” and “R12A” off of Rose Island

- Green Can “1” South of Rose Island

- Gong “7” -- Kettle Bottom Rock off of Southwest Point / Jamestown

- Bell “6” -- Butter Ball Rock -- off of Castle Hill

Passage beneath all bridges shall be made under the center span only.

Passage of Dutch Island (in West bay) shall be made on the west side only.


Competitors are reminded that Narragansett Bay is a Restricted Channel and sailing vessels do not have right of way over any vessel that may be restricted in its ability to maneuver.


Scoring shall be combined scores of the two (planned) races (one each day).


“A” fleet -- Smaller Boats

“B” fleet -- Larger Boats. 

Additional fleets / starts may be added if interest / entries warrant.

-- end --